Contact Us

(03) 97182611


1022 Heidelberg-Kinglake Road, Hurstbridge, VIC 3099

Online Enquiry

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Appointment Cancellation Policy

In the case of medical emergency dial 000 or go to your nearest hospital emergency department immediately.

Please be courteous and call us promptly on 03 9718 2611 if you are unable to attend an appointment.

This appointment time will be reallocated to someone who is in need of urgent treatment.
If it is necessary to cancel your scheduled appointment we require that you give at least 4 hours notice or a cancellation fee will be incurred.

Available appointments are in high demand and your early cancellation will give another person the opportunity to have access to medical care.

For all new patients, please fill the patient's registration form and have it ready on your appointment. Click Here for the form. Patient registration Form

For more info about how we handle your info, please check HMC Priv Privacy Policy 2022 dated.pdf025.docxacy policy.

* Home visits are available on request only for regular patients whose condition prevents them from attending the centre. Appointments will be arranged for home visits at the end of business day. Please ring 9718 2611 during business hours to make suitable arrangements.

For more info about channels of communication, please check HMC Communication Policy.

For After hours doctors please call DoctorDoctor 132660.